Manufacturing & Distribution
Bill Of Materials

The Bill Of Materials module holds the following files

Structures File (Single & Multi-Level)
Parts Explosions
Parts Implosions (Where Used)
Assembly Valuation
Mass Re-Costing
Approved Vendor List

Structures File

The Structures File (or BOM) can support Single Level assemblies or Multi-Level (up to a maximum of 99 levels down) with no limitation of items on a BOM. Each Component Part can store, Qty Per (to 4 decimal places), Sequence Level (for PCB's), Back-Fushing, Lead Time Offset and Circuit Reference / Balloon Numbers. Method & Modification issue status is available, thus allowing "change note" control and the facility of holding all previous versions of a BOM.

Parts Explosions / Implosions
Facility to analyse BOM records either from TOP / DOWN, or simply by picking any Component Part and asking what Products it belongs to, either on a Single Level or Multi-Level basis

Assembly Valuation
Produce Assembly Costings based upon current BOM structure, and priced against Last Purchase Price, Average Price or Standard Price

Mass Re-Costing
Facility to mass recost the entire database on a "real" or "ghost" process, at any price held within the Inventory module

Approved Vendor List
Useful tool when Assembly build is sub-contracted out, and you wish to control the "vendors" that the sub-contractor can purchase from. This takes the BOM file and interlinks the Buying Card information for Approved Suppliers, and their relevant Supplier Part Number references.

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